rbenv install

ruby-build is a tool that downloads and compiles various versions of Ruby. It is exposed as rbenv install through rbenv or simply as ruby-build when used ...

相關軟體 Ruby 下載

Ruby是一種為了物件導向而創的簡單快捷的腳本語。它擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性,能減少程式設計時候的不必要的瑣碎時間。Ruby語言通常非常直觀,會按照設計者希望的運行方式來執行。 擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性。 ...

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  • rbenv-install-and-using.md. 常用的几个Ruby 版本管理工具有:rvm,rbenv,ry,rbfu。rvm 应该是最早出现、使用最多的,因为过于强大以至...
    使用rbenv 安装和管理Ruby版本· GitHub
  • rbenv-installer - Install rbenv and friends and update all of them when you want to ... .....
    GitHub - fesplugasrbenv-installer: Install rbenv and friend ...
  • The rbenv-installer script idempotently installs or updates rbenv on your system. If Homeb...
    GitHub - rbenvrbenv-installer: Installer and doctor scripts for rbenv
  • If you're on macOS, we recommend installing rbenv with Homebrew. Install rbenv. $ brew...
    GitHub - rbenvrbenv: Groom your app's Ruby environment
  • ruby-build is a command-line utility that makes it easy to install virtually any version o...
    GitHub - rbenvruby-build: Compile and install Ruby
  • ruby-build is a tool that downloads and compiles various versions of Ruby. It is exposed a...
    Home · rbenvruby-build Wiki · GitHub
  • 2015年3月13日 - Before installing rbenv, you must have access to a superuser account on an U...
    How To Install Ruby on Rails with rbenv on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
  • Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular application stacks for developers looking to crea...
    How To Install Ruby on Rails with rbenv on Ubuntu 16.04 | ...
  • 2016年8月1日 - Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular application stacks for developers lo...
    How To Install Ruby on Rails with rbenv on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
  • Why not RVM? There are differences: RVM is tool, designed to bring you listing of all avai...
    Install rubies with Rbenv (Example) - New Title
  • rbenv install -v 2.2.3 rbenv rehash Remember to run the command rbenv rehash every time af...
    Install Ruby on Rails with Rbenv on CentOS 7 - Vultr.com ...
  • Installing Ruby With Rbenv Jul 31 st, 2012 Rbenv handles the installation and management o...
    Installing Ruby with Rbenv - Octopress
  • You can have a complete ruby virtual development environment under Windows 10 Linux Subsys...
    InstallUse rbenv (Ruby) on Windows 10 Linux WSL – Hervé ...
  • Clone rbenv into ~/.rbenv. git clone git@github.com:sstephenson/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv. # Add ...
    Quick guide to installing rbenv · GitHub
  • Good start on instructions for global installation for rbenv. I'm not a linux expert b...
    rbenv install and system wide install on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. · ...
  • 2016年5月23日 - rbenv 用来管理多个版本的ruby 在用户目录的安装和使用, 和rvm 二选一使用. ... rbenv install --list # 列出所有...
    rbenv 使用指南· Ruby China
  • I installed rbenv via Homebrew on a OS X 10.9.3 MacBook Pro. I did: brew update brew upgra...
    ruby - rbenv install --list does not list version 2.1.2 - ...
  • Setting up and installing rbenv, ruby-build, rubies, rbenv-gemset, and bundler This guide ...
    Setting up and installing rbenv, ruby-build, rubies, rbenv-g ...
  • rbenv-install-and-using.md. 常用的几个Ruby 版本管理工具有:rvm,rbenv,ry,rbfu。rvm 应该是最早出现、使用最多的,因为过于强大以至...
    使用rbenv 安装和管理Ruby版本· GitHub
  • rbenv-installer - Install rbenv and friends and update all of them when you want to ... .....
    GitHub - fesplugasrbenv-installer: Install rbenv and friend ...